Hello fellow investors, it has been a whole month since my last post. Due to multiple reasons, I haven’t been productive at all. I hope this changes in the near future… Anyway, another month has passed. Let’s take a look at how my portfolio changed in the last month! This is my portfolio update for September 2020.
Don’t forget that you can always find an up-to-date overview of all the ‘numbers’ in my portfolio on the My Portfolio page.
Portfolio overview

All categories are still in the green. This is exactly what we like to see. Unfortunately, this month was a pretty flat month for our ETFs (they went down a very small amount). Cryptocurrencies took a big nosedive a couple of weeks ago which caused this month to be a red month. Luckily, this is not a big deal for me since I’m slowly becoming a seasoned cypro-investor. Big green or red days are quite normal!
I’m still waiting for the €40 in my P2P lending portfolio to clear. I believe it is quite possible I never see it (completely) back, but I am not yet giving up. It could take a long time though!
Monthly Cash-flow
Monthly cash-flow is still the same this month. I’m still buying cryptocurrencies but there is still more than €100 cash in my Coinbase account which should get us through the next month as well! I also saved €800 instead of €700 just because I spend a bit less last month!

Portfolio Allocation

- Cash: Saved €800
- Stocks: Invested €1000 – €36.54 depreciation
- Crypto: Invested €0 – €1031.42 depreciation
- P2P: stayed exactly the same
Last month was pretty good, this month is the complete opposite. I did cross the €40.000 net worth mark, which is quite nice to see. My investments went down by more than €1000 unfortunately. This is nothing to be really sad about though, I am still in the green and I am still sticking to the plan!
This was it for my portfolio update of September 2020. I don’t think I can add anything more.. I do hope I find back the work rhythm I had before and start posting more regularly. I do apologize to all my loyal fans. ;D