This is my first ever blog entry so bear with me on my journey were I (hopefully) learn to make great content. Advise and feedback are always appreciated, so if you have any leave them in the comments down below. Lets get started!
I think that i’ll try to make some sort of template for my monthly portfolio updates. This way the layout will stay familiar so we can all find the right information at future times when we would like to look back. As you’ve maybe already seen, the most up to date portfolio info can also be found right away under the My Portfolio page
Let’s start with my monthly cash flow. I don’t think this will change very regularly but i’ll include a monthly screenshot anyway and I’ll make sure to give updates when changes would occur.

As you can see, I try to save as much of my income as possible. I make around 1900€ each month of which I can save roughly 81%. This is possible because right now I have the luxury of still living at home, so I try to make the most out of it. The reason why is save €700 in cash is because I want to buy an appartment in 1-2 years time. The expenses I have are pretty straight forward.
- I budget around €100 for food
- €100 for fun (read: going to a bar with friends on friday night)
- The €100 expense on ‘Holidays’ is there because I save €100 each month for the yearly summer holiday with my girlfriend. This way I don’t have one big expense but monthly smaller expenses. This works best for us.
- The €43.90 ‘Sport’ expense is for my Gym membership (WHICH I NEED TO USE MORE OFTEN)
This is my portfolio allocation at the end of november 2019. I’ll always take a look at the difference with the month before and see if there are any notable abnormalities (Like big changes in one of my investments or big expenses which caused me to save less. This month looks as follows:

- cash: Saved €700 – OK
- Stocks: Invested €600 + €60.52 appreciation – OK
- Crypto: Invested €100 + €890 depreciation – OK?
- P2P: Invested €150 + €1.84 appreciation – OK
Is you can see reached all my saving and investing targets this month. YAAY! Although I’ve lost almost €900 with my crypto investment this month, it doesn’t really affect me that much. I know this is a possibility with cryptocurrencies and I only invest what I am prepared to lose. The most important part for me is that I reach my targets and not what the price my investments is in any given month. I’m in it for the long run!
An overview on the progress on my total portfolio value can be found on the ‘My Portfolio‘ page for those who are interested.
Thank you for those who made it this far. I hope this wasn’t to hard to read. I probably have some learning to do but we’ll get there!