Good day everyone. Another month has past so it is time to take a look at the relevant numbers for the blog. This month I haven’t been promoting the blog that much. I chose to do this, so I would be able to see how money people would land on my blog by themselves. Let us take a look at how February went!
The numbers

In February I got 701 unique visitors of which 616 were new users. The number of sessions (aka website visits) I got was 1115. This means that some users came to my website more than once for an average of 1.59 sessions per user. All these numbers went down a bit in comparison to January. This is what I was expecting to happen since I haven’t been linking to my blog as much this month. I’ve commented on reddit with my ETF Portfolio post exactly 2 times this month. By looking at the graph it is easy to see on which days this was!
The amount of single-page views I got comes down to 2131. This means that the average users visits 1.91 pages on my website before leaving. The total single-page views also went down a bit in comparison to last month. The average amount of pages visited for each session stayed almost the same!
The time spend on my blog for each user is a little more than 2 minutes. This average will probably not differ much from month to month. January had around the same average time spend per user.
The last important number is the Bounce Rate. This percentage lets you know the amount of time people leave after only seeing one page. The lower this number gets, the better. This month the bounce rate of my blog was almost 70%. This also didn’t change much from last month which tells me that this will probably not differ much from month to month.
Like I said in last month’s blog update, I haven’t been linking to my blog that much in February. This caused the numbers to go down a bit but not as much as I expected which certainly is a good thing.’
Single page views

This image speaks mostly for itself. My best performing post is still The perfect ETF portfolio. Apparently, people also check out my home page a lot and are interested in my actual Portfolio, which is quite nice. The posts about my strategies for investing in Mintos also have some traction without me promoting them at all! Apparently, someone shared a link about my ETF portfolio somewhere after making a comment on it. This caused it to be a slightly longer/different link. This is why there is quite a weird link on the list as well!
Blog posts and interactions
The last numbers I want to talk about are the ones showing my output and the interactions I get on my blog posts. The number of posts I made in February came to a total of 3. This is far less than the amount I would like to get. Part of it was me going on a one week vacation. If I’m being really honest, it is also just me slacking a bit. I should probably try and get my stuff more together in March.
Let’s see how many people commented! Before, I always tried to only count initial comments. This is getting more and more difficult since I’m getting more comments around all posts. Right now I’m counting all comments. This also includes me answering to the comments. The total amount of comments this month was 16. Which brings the grand total to 59.
Since last month people are able to subscribe to my blog and get updates when I put out new blog posts. In February 5 more people subscribed. This brings the total amount of subscribers up to 7.
You will be able to find an overview of the most important monthly numbers on the Entrepreneurship page.
Do you want any other information or numbers about the performance of the blog? Do not hesitate to ask me!
Let’s see where we are next month!
Blog updates
The number of new posts in February was not impressive at all. I did spend some time updating the look and feel of my website though. I have made some minor changes to my main pages which makes them look a little better in my opinion. The biggest change is probably the look and feel of the blog posts themselves. I feel like they look a little more professional. There is also a bit more functionality to quickly go to another post if it would interest you.
I’ve also got rid of the pop-up that lets people subscribe. Maybe fewer people will subscribe this way, but I don’t like annoying pop-ups myself so why would I add them to my own website? Right now people are able to subscribe at the bottom of every blog post.
Do you like the new look? Have any questions or suggestions? Leave them in the comments below!